What is the difference between intercropping and interplanting

An example is to sow a vegetable seed such as lettuce seeds between broccoli plants; the lettuce will grow happily in the space and shade provided by the broccoli plants. One excellent method is to sow mesclun seeds around tomato seedlings so that it becomes possible to harvest salad greens while waiting for tomato plants to start producing.

Intercropping, which is common in French intensive gardening , can lower the amount of pests in your garden in a few ways. Some are chemical repellents that confuse and dissuade pests from entering the area. Others create a physical barrier so the pest can't get to the other plant. Trap cropping technically another interplanting encourages pests to gather. Parasitic wasp host plants give food and shelter to parasitic wasps searching for pests, while predator increase gives beneficial insects food and lets them then seek out pests.

There are a few types of intercropping, by definition:. Intercropping does take some planning to execute it successfully. Take a peek at the growing requirements of the plants you are putting in, first of all. Companion planting, conversely, is rooted in symbiotic relationships between different plants [rather than specific spacing patterns].

These relationships are designed to, for example, encourage improved resistance to pests, improved growth rigor, or for flavour enhancement.

At present, companion planting is not a common activity in industrial production environments. However, as consumer demand and environmental factors evolve, practices may change.

Contrastingly, in resource poor and marginal growing environments, companion planting is already becoming more mainstream. Gardeners are also traditional practitioners of companion planting. When companion planting practices are incorporated into agricultural production systems, companion planting can be implemented using intercropping practices. Accordingly, companion planting can be considered a sub-genre of intercropping.

In these instances, the style of intercropping, while maintaining the qualities of the four standard patterns [row, strip, mixed, and relay], is often given a unique name. For instance, repellent intercropping is an approach where plant varieties that are offensive to a specific type of pest are incorporated into a growing space to deter the pest. Intercropping enables you to boost the health of all plants because it can enhance soil fertility and cooperation among different plants.

What are the types of intercropping? There are four types of intercropping:. Mixed intercropping is the cultivation of two or more crops that are randomly distributed rather than grown in rows. What are the benefits of intercropping? Diversity and stability of fields. How is intercropping sustainable? What is intercropping in agriculture? What are the disadvantages of intercropping? Disadvantages of Intercropping system are:. What Is alley farming?

What is multiple cropping system? What is green manuring and how is it done? What is tillage operation? What is crop rotation called? What type of crops are grown in intercropping? Types of Intercropping. How does intercropping prevent soil erosion? What is cropping pattern? What is mixed cropping with examples? What is crop production? What is step cultivation? Intercropped systems are those in which two or more crops are grown together for a specific amount of time.

There are four common patterns for intercropping :. In larger production environments , strip and row patterns are the most common because the crops can be harvested mechanically. When intercropping, the crops selected are chosen for profitability rather than another quality.

In smaller production environments, space must be maximized and manual labor is better suited to harvesting heterogeneous plantings so mixed and relay crops might also be used. Companion planting , conversely, is rooted in symbiotic relationships between different plants [rather than specific spacing patterns]. These relationships are designed to, for example, encourage improved resistance to pests, improved growth rigor, or for flavor enhancement.

At present, companion planting is not a common activity in industrial production environments. However, as consumer demand and environmental factors evolve, practices may change. Contrastingly, in resource poor and marginal growing environments, companion planting is already becoming more mainstream.


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