What is the difference between bios and firmware

Firmware is a generic term for embedded software and its included data to run something. System controllers in large computer systems that control power up etc have a mini operating system typically a mini linux that's referred to as firmware. These terms are somewhat interchangeable but the firmware downloaded to a computer motherboard is referred as BIOS.

Firmware downloaded to a video card can be referenced as BIOS as well. BIOS is the main firmware required by PCs primarily to identify the components connected to the motherboard. An example of such a component is the primary internal hard drive. Firmware in non-PC devices may be upgradeable depending on the complexity of the device and decisions made by the manufacturer. More and more pieces of hardware have upgradeable firmware these days than in the distant past.

Maybe a BIOS is to firmware as a square is to a rectangle, but the first question should be what is a firmware to software? I think firmware used to exist as something very specific. Some chip, for example, that was programmed once, and stayed in that original configuration forever. Just being, unchanging, firmly. But what's like that these days?

Do the things we think of as firmware have firmware-like qualities which distinguish them from software? Do firmware updates require professional servicing? So I think the answer to the first question is that firmware is to software, as software. So BIOSes are also software, firmware or not. BIOSese were once firmware.

The other answers offer more about the BIOS and shed light on why that would be, but I just wanted to highlight the firmware misnomer. The "soft" in software came about in the early days when Computer programming was written via flexible material such as punch cards, floppy discs and reams of paper. The programs were in a soft, changeable state.

When a program got coded into a solid state hardware the program was in a "firm" or fixed state. Changing the program at this point required replacing physical piece of hardware. Firmware is found on computer motherboards to hold hardware settings and booting data BIOS and on myriad consumer electronics devices to hold the operating system or control program. On devices with no hard drive, such as smartphones, MP3 players and tablets, flash memory chips also hold the applications and user data; however, in this case, they are called "memory" or "storage" and not firmware.

If it found any hardware not function to the desired value,it stop the machine or Pc and display the error code to fix hardware first. The Firmware is sort of an instructor or more like a controller. Firmware is a code that makes a hardware inteface working and responding to system software and is placed below that interface but BIOS is code that configures and operates the hardware that is below itself and responds to higher system software. Sign up to join this community.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is the difference between BIOS and firmware? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. Active 2 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 18k times. Could anyone elaborate on the differences between BIOS and firmware please?

Improve this question. Firmware updates are available from hardware manufacturers. Firmware — Software that is absolutely essential to use hardware. Malware — Software which is specifically designed to damage computer. The main difference between a firmware, driver e software, consists of its design purpose.

O firmware is a program that gives life to the hardware of the device. A driver is an intermediary between the operating system and the hardware component.

And software makes the use of hardware the best possible way. Skip to content Android Windows Linux Apple. Home » Other. See also What does WC do in Unix? See also How do you give permission to a file in Unix? See also How do I make a directory in Ubuntu terminal? When a person is just getting into computers, there is a lot of new vocabulary to learn and sometimes it can all get a bit confusing.

Photo courtesy of John C Bullas Flickr. SuperUser contributors malakrsnaslava and Tonny have the answer for us. First up, malakrsnaslava:. BIOS is Firmware for computers.

Firmware is a combination of persistent memory, program code, and the data stored in it. Typical examples of devices containing Firmware are embedded systems such as traffic lights, consumer appliances, digital watches, computers, computer peripherals, mobile phones, and digital cameras.

The Firmware contained in these devices provides the control program for the device. Network cards, video cards, raid controllers, hard-drives, flash drives, SSDs, and sound cards just to name a few can all have Firmware embedded inside. This is technically incorrect. BIOS is only appropriate for referring to the start up Firmware of the motherboard itself. Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

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