Think too of Michael Dell, whose company of the same name changed the playing field of PC making and retail through a relentless focus on process improvement and ruthless process efficiency. In business process re-engineering and improvement thinking, processes are viewed as organizational building blocks with as much if not more significance as functional areas and geographic territories.
Business process re-engineering emerged in the s with the idea that sometimes radical redesign and reorganization of these process building blocks was necessary to lower costs and increase the quality of service, and that IT was the key enabler for that radical change. The trouble with this radical approach is that it is too difficult to achieve in the real world.
Mature organizations often simply cannot wipe the slate clean, and re-organize themselves without the instinctive memory of past processes and procedure creeping back in. Ultimately, business process re-engineering initiatives came to be viewed as nothing more than a cover up for downsizing efforts.
Business process improvement initiatives have been more successful, although they have been hampered by the lack of a comprehensive solution. Good-quality process design would be let down by sketchy IT support that couldn't be adapted.
A business process would be designed around system constraints rather than systems doing exactly what the process required. Nevertheless, many of the elements of business process improvement have proven to be useful and have not been discarded. Business process modeling has certainly increased businesses' ability to understand their operations and to make rational decisions about how best to organize their activities.
Also, the definition and measurement of process metrics have given concrete, meaningful, and achievable targets for managers to work towards. The business is now more involved than ever before in the specification and del ivery of IT programs. BPM is the final piece of the puzzle that allows business process initiatives to be fully successful. BPM espouses the incremental approach of business process improvement, but the IT delivery phase is supported by custom-designed tools that reduce the effect of requirements dissonance by allowing the delivery to be driven by the business.
In its simplest form, workflow software is generated from the process maps that are modeled by the Business Analyst. This workflow software is then the end user's "front end" to the process, and it controls the execution of the process in the live environment. Other software is then used to report on the operation of the process within the workflow software, allowing for dashboarding of key performance indicators.
These dashboards can in turn be used to drive ongoing process improvement decisions. Business process management isn't just one piece of software or one analysis technique: it is a suite of software, a framework of analysis techniques, and a defined project lifecycle. The Business Analyst, with their unique perspective on both business and technology, are in the happy position of having the right relationships and the right skill set to drive BPM initiatives in the enterprise.
Bus iness Process Management involves the graphical modeling of a business process, from which workflow software can be generated, which in turn will control the live operation of the process, interacting with both humans and other applications.
Further software measures the execution of the process in the live environment in order to permit ongoing analysis and iterative improvements. The buzzwords and hype that are currently circulating around BPM are presenting serious barriers to adoption.
What's needed is a clear expression of the benefits of BPM. BPM delivers efficiency, control, and agility to the business that implements it in the right way. These three key areas of promised benefit can be further broken down as:. Increases in productivity and effectiveness—a BPM system's task list makes sure that everyone is always working on the highest priority item, speeding the process along.
Increased process compliance and governance—users of a BPM system have no choice but to follow the process that the system is built on. A more agile business that can change and adapt more quickly—because a BPM system is driven by a process model rather than by pure code, generally it is easier to effect system change, and therefore business change. Increased ability to scale best practices across a changing organization—once defined and built, a BPM system doesn't care if it has 10 or users.
Organizations that try to scale out a ten-man operation to a person one often run into difficulties because the process becomes so difficult to control without software support. Improved communication, cooperation, coordination, handoffs—BPM systems are all about moving work from one team to another, reducing the need for teams to be skilled in communication and cooperation.
Improved resource utilization—resources that aren't pulling their weight are very visible to management because everything that happens in the process can be reported on.
Improved visibility of process pipeline—managers can easily report on everything that is in the course of being processed. More accurate operational forecasts—because managers have such good visibility of their process pipeline, they can more easily plan their operations. Greater process throughput—a well-oiled process running at maximum efficiency means that it will produce more of whatever the process is designed to produce. Higher quality output—because process compliance is assured, and because the process was designed in line with best practice, it stands to reason that the output of that process will be of high quality.
Shorter process cycle times—with everybody who is involved in the process working at maximum efficiency, the total time it takes to run the process from start to finish will be reduced.
Minimized cost of inputs—because the process that underpins the BPM system has been defined and because the BPM system leads the process actors through that process, there is a reduced need for high quality, high cost staff to ensure the process runs smoothly.
Lower total process cost—the reduction in cycle time, the improvement in quality, and the minimized cost of inputs ensure that the total cost of running the process is reduced. More satisfied customers—the BPM system ensures customers get a higher quality good or service more quickly, and more consistently than they would otherwise.
Despite the persuasive benefits listed above, we must be clear from the beginning that BPM isn't the right solution in every circumstance.
The following scenarios are good indicators of when BPM might be an appropriate solution:. The actors in the process don't have meaningful targets for how much or how fast they need to process. A business's reliance on a particular process has grown very quickly and best practice has not been adopted properly. BPM is not appropriate for task-specific, procedural requirements: for example, calculating tax on an invoice. The business is so small that controlling the process would impose a disproportionate burden on its operation.
This book is a full toolkit for someone who wants to implement BPM in the right way. This toolkit is particularly aimed at Business Analysts, although Project Managers, IT managers, developers, and even business people can expect to find useful tools and techniques in here. We will present the project framework, analysis techniques, and templates, BPM technology and example deliverables that you need to successfully bring a BPM solution into your organization.
The book itself is structured to reflect the project lifecycle that we advocate. Each chapter represents a phase in the project.
Each chapter will talk through the theory involved in that phase, explain the techniques or the technology, and then show you how it is done with an example.
Every chapter has specific deliverables that fit in with the respective project phase, and these deliverables will be worked through in the example. Templates for the deliverables and the working example can be found in the download for this book. As we go through the project phases, we will put together our example BPM system.
The process that we will manage will be a realistic scenario and the solution could be used in real life. The BPM system we'll build will be stand alone, without proper interfaces to other systems, although we will simulate an interface, so we show how it can be done.
The solution could certainly be developed much further, and in the final chapter we'll see some pointers for how this could be done, but even without further development, the solution is fully working and useful. The most important thing is that we go through the project steps so that the solution we build is functional and effective. Understand the target process— to start off, we need to scope our target process, put together our project team, and then set about analyzing the process and building our first model for business sign off.
Develop the process— now that we have our process model, we need to install our BPM suite and build our model within it. Prototype the process workflow user interface— once we've developed the process model in the BPM suite, we can generate a prototype user interface in order to run a proof of concept with our users.
Iterate the workflow prototype— our proof of concept will turn up numerous process changes and user interface requirements that we need to capture, prioritize, and implement. Pilot and implement the workflow— we can now run a full-scale user acceptance test, and develop our key performance indicators that we'll track in the last phase.
We can then put our process live. Ongoing process improvement— now that the process is in the live environment, we can monitor its execution and investigate opportunities for further improvement. Any business process can be modeled, but some processes are more suited to business process management than others.
For our worked example, the process we will use will be drawn from the music recording industry: "Produce music products". As we'll see, this process fulfils many of the criteria we defined above for a business scenario that is apt for a BPM solution. Download jBPM 7. Get started now! Once you're done with getting started have a look at the documentation that covers much more.
Read documentation. What does jBPM do? Pluggable human task service based on WS-HumanTask for including tasks that need to be performed by human actors. Management console supporting process instance management, task lists and task form management, and reporting. Optional process repository to deploy your process and other related knowledge.
Latest News. Take a look at jBPM 7. Latest Tweets. The following screencast gives an overview of how to use the Eclipse tooling. You can open up the evaluation process and the ProcessTest class. The console should show how the process was started and how the different actors in the process completed the tasks assigned to them, to complete the process instance.
You could also create a new project using the jBPM project wizard. The sample projects contain a process and an associated Java file to start the process. Select to create a project with some example files to get you started quickly and click next. Give the project a name. You can choose from a simple HelloWorld example or a slightly more advanced example using persistence and human tasks. If you select the latter and click Finish, you should see a new project containing a "sample.
ProcessTest" JUnit test class. You can open the BPMN2 process by double-clicking it. To execute the process, right-click on ProcessTest. The application server uses by default property files based realms - Please note that this configuration is intended only for demo purposes users, roles and passwords are stored in simple property files on the filesystem.
As a result, the instructions below describe how you should configure a datasource when using JPA on JBoss application server e. EAP7 or Wildfly10 using a persistence. The installer automates some of this like copying the right files to the right location after installation. By default, the jbpm-installer uses an H2 database for persisting runtime data.
In this section we will:. If you want to try this quickstart with another database, a section at the end of this quickstart describes what you may need to modify. There are multiple standalone. The full profile is required to use the JMS component for remote integration, so will be used by default by the installer. Best practice is to update all standalone. You might want to update the db driver jar name and download url to whatever version of the jar matches your installation.
For those of you who decided to use another database, a list of the available hibernate dialect classes can be found here. We need to change the datasource configuration in standalone-full. The original file contains something very similar to the following lines:. The installer already takes care of this mostly: it will copy the driver jar you specified in the build.
Open this file and make sure that the file name of the driver jar listed there is identical the driver jar name you specified in the build. Note that, even if you simply uncommented the default MySQL configuration, you will still need to add the right version here.
Now would be a good time to make sure your database is started up as well! If you have already run the installer, it is recommended to stop the installer and clean it first using.
If you decide to use a different database with this demo, you need to remember the following when going through the steps above:. Change the name of the driver to match the name you specified when configuring the datasource in the previous step. Change the module of the driver: the database driver jar should be installed as a module see below and here you should reference the unique name of the module.
Since the installer can take care of automatically generating this module for you see below , this should match the db. You need to change the dialect in persistence. In order to make sure your driver will be correctly installed in the JBoss application server, there are typically multiple options, like install as a module or as a deployment. It is recommended to install the driver as a module for EAP and Wildfly.
Install the driver JAR as a module , which is what the install script does. Otherwise, you can modify and install the downloaded JAR as a deployment. Change the db. Note that this should match the module property when configuring the driver in standalone. Change the name of the module resource path to the name of the db. By default the demo setup makes use of Hibernate auto DDL generation capabilities to build up the complete database schema, including all tables, sequences, etc. This might not always be welcomed by your database administrator , and thus the installer provides DDL scripts for most popular databases.
See the section on timers for additional details. If you use MySQL 5. It would introduce further side effects. For example,. Are you connected to the Internet? Do you have a firewall turned on? Do you require a proxy? If your download failed while downloading a component, it is possible that the installer is trying to use an incomplete file. What if I have been changing my installation and it no longer works and I want to start over again with a clean installation?
You can use ant clean. I sometimes see exceptions when trying to stop or restart certain services, what should I do? If you see errors during shutdown, are you sure the services were still running? If you see exceptions during restart, are you sure the service you started earlier was successfully shutdown? Maybe try killing the services manually if necessary.
Something seems to be going wrong when running Eclipse but I have no idea what. What can I do? Always check the consoles for output like error messages or stack traces. You can also check the Eclipse Error Log for exceptions. Something seems to be going wrong when running the a web-based application like the jbpm-console. For all other questions, try contacting the jBPM community as described in the Getting Started chapter. Business Central provides various sample projects that will help you in getting started with automating business processes.
These are bundled together with the application and you can easily try them out by navigating to Design Projects and clicking on Try Samples. This section shows the different examples that can be found in the jbpm-playground repository. All these examples are high level and business oriented. Click Design Projects. If your current space contains at least one project, the Import Project option is available under the dropdown menu in the space menu bar.
In the Import Project dialogue, enter following information:. Authentication Options : If the target git repository requires authentication, you can specify the user name and password using the expanded dialog option.
In this process, three departments that is the Human resources, IT, and Accounting are involved. These departments are represented by three users: Katy, Jack, and John respectively. Note that only four out of the six defined activities within the business process are User Tasks. User Tasks require human interaction.
The other two tasks are Service Tasks, which are automated and connected to other systems. Finally, if the candidate accepts the proposal, the system posts a message about the new hire using Twitter service connector.
Note, that Jack, John, and Katy represent any employee within the company with appropriate role assigned. Click Human Resources Kjar Example hiring.
The asset list page contains the hiring. Click on these assets to explore. Notice that different editors open for different types of assets. Deploy creates a new JAR artifact that is deployed to the runtime environment as a new deployment unit. After successfully building and deploying your project, you can verify its presence in the Execution Servers tab.
Click Deploy Execution Servers to do so. When you Deploy a project from the Project Editor, it is deployed using the default configuration which means using the Singleton strategy, the default Kie Base and the default Kie session. If you want to change these settings, you can make the necessary adjustments on the Settings tab for the specific project. Then, you will be able to set a different strategy, or use a non-default Kie Base or Kie Session.
Once you saved your settings you can redeploy the project as a new Deployment Unit. Once your artifact that contains the process definition is deployed, the Process Definition will become available in Manage Process Definitions. Click Manage Process Definitions. The Process Definitions section contains all the available process definitions in the runtime environment.
In order to add new process definitions, build and deploy a new project. Most processes require additional information to create a new process instance.
This is done through forms. For this project, fill in the name of the candidate that is to be interviewed. When you click Submit , you create a new process instance. This creates the first task, that is available for the Human Resources team. To see the task, you need to logout and log in as a user with the appropriate role assigned, that is someone from the Human Resources.
When you start the process, you can interact with the human tasks. To do so, click Track Task Inbox. Note that in order to see the tasks in the task list, you need to belong to specific user groups, for which the task is designed. A zip file of examples can also be downloaded from the downloads page, containing various examples that can be opened in the Eclipse-based Developers Tools.
Simply download and unzip the examples artefact and import into your Eclipse workspace. This property is responsible for how the id value of NodeInstance instances was generated. Setting this property to true meant that the same strategy used in jBPM 5 was still used, even though this jBPM 5 strategy meant that NodeInstance ids were not unique. BusinessCalendarImpl was updated to business.
Update your code to reflect this change - from old value business. This chapter introduces the API you need to load processes and execute them.
For more detail on how to define the processes themselves, check out the chapter on BPMN 2. To interact with the jBPM engine for example, to start a process , you need to set up a session. This session will be used to communicate with the jBPM engine. A session needs to have a reference to a KIE base, which contains a reference to all the relevant process definitions. This KIE base is used to look up the process definitions whenever necessary. To create a session, you first need to create a KIE base, load all the necessary process definitions this can be from various sources, like from classpath, file system or process repository and then instantiate a session.
Once you have set up a session, you can use it to start executing processes. Whenever a process is started, a new process instance is created for that process definition that maintains the state of that specific instance of the process. For example, imagine you are writing an application to process sales orders. You could then define one or more process definitions that define how the order should be processed. When starting up your application, you first need to create a KIE base that contains those process definitions.
You can then create a session based on this KIE base so that, whenever a new sales order comes in, a new process instance is started for that sales order. That process instance contains the state of the process for that specific sales request. A KIE base can be shared across sessions and usually is only created once, at the start of the application as creating a KIE base can be rather heavy-weight as it involves parsing and compiling the process definitions.
KIE bases can be dynamically changed so you can add or remove processes at runtime. You can create as many independent session as you need and creating a session is considered relatively lightweight.
How many sessions you create is up to you. In general, most simple cases start out with creating one session that is then called from various places in your application. You could decide to create multiple sessions if for example you want to have multiple independent processing units for example, if you want all processes from one customer to be completely independent from processes for another customer, you could create an independent session for each customer or if you need multiple sessions for scalability reasons.
The jBPM project has a clear separation between the API the users should be interacting with and the actual implementation classes. The public API exposes most of the features we believe "normal" users can safely use and should remain rather stable across releases. Expert users can still access internal classes but should be aware that they should know what they are doing and that the internal API might still change in the future.
As explained above, the jBPM API should thus be used to 1 create a KIE base that contains your process definitions, and to 2 create a session to start new process instances, signal existing ones, register listeners, etc. This KIE base should include all your process definitions that might need to be executed by that session. To create a KIE base, use a KieHelper to load processes from various resources for example from the classpath or from the file system , and then create a new KIE base from that helper.
The following code snippet shows how to create a KIE base consisting of only one process definition using in this case a resource from the classpath. This is considered manual creation of KIE base and while it is simple it is not recommended for real application development but more for try outs. This session can then be used to start new processes, signal events, etc. The following code snippet shows how easy it is to create a session based on the previously created KIE base, and to start a process by id.
The ProcessRuntime interface defines all the session methods for interacting with processes, as shown below. The session provides methods for registering and removing listeners. A ProcessEventListener can be used to listen to process-related events, like starting or completing a process, entering and leaving a node, etc. Below, the different methods of the ProcessEventListener class are shown. An event object provides access to related information, like the process instance and node instance linked to the event.
You can use this API to register your own event listeners. A note about before and after events: these events typically act like a stack, which means that any events that occur as a direct result of the previous event, will occur between the before and the after of that event. For example, if a subsequent node is triggered as result of leaving a node, the node triggered events will occur inbetween the beforeNodeLeftEvent and the afterNodeLeftEvent of the node that is left as the triggering of the second node is a direct result of leaving the first node.
Doing that allows us to derive cause relationships between events more easily. Similarly, all node triggered and node left events that are the direct result of starting a process will occur between the beforeProcessStarted and afterProcessStarted events. In general, if you just want to be notified when a particular event occurs, you should be looking at the before events only as they occur immediately before the event actually occurs.
When only looking at the after events, one might get the impression that the events are fired in the wrong order, but because the after events are triggered as a stack after events will only fire when all events that were triggered as a result of this event have already fired.
After events should only be used if you want to make sure that all processing related to this has ended for example, when you want to be notified when starting of a particular process instance has ended. Depending on the type of node, some nodes might only generate node left events, others might only generate node triggered events.
Catching intermediate events for example are not generating triggered events they are only generating left events, as they are not really triggered by another node, rather activated from outside. Similarly, throwing intermediate events are not generating left events they are only generating triggered events, as they are not really left, as they have no outgoing connection. Note that these loggers should only be used for debugging purposes. The following logger implementations are supported by default:.
File logger: This logger writes out all the events to a file using an XML representation. This log file might then be used in the IDE to generate a tree-based visualization of the events that occurred during execution. Threaded file logger: Because a file logger writes the events to disk only when closing the logger or when the number of events in the logger reaches a predefined level, it cannot be used when debugging processes at runtime.
A threaded file logger writes the events to a file after a specified time interval, making it possible to use the logger to visualize the progress in realtime, while debugging processes. When creating a console logger, the KIE session for which the logger needs to be created must be passed as an argument. The file logger also requires the name of the log file to be created, and the threaded file logger requires the interval in milliseconds after which the events should be saved.
You should always close the logger at the end of your application. The log file that is created by the file-based loggers contains an XML-based overview of all the events that occurred at runtime.
It can be opened in Eclipse, using the Audit View in the Drools Eclipse plugin, where the events are visualized as a tree. Events that occur between the before and after event are shown as children of that event. The following screenshot shows a simple example, where a process is started, resulting in the activation of the Start node, an Action node and an End node, after which the process was completed.
A common requirement when working with processes is ability to assign a given process instance some sort of business identifier that can be later on referenced without knowing the actual generated id of the process instance.
CorrelationKey can have either single property describing it which is in most cases but it can be represented as multi valued properties set. Correlation is usually used with long running processes and thus require persistence to be enabled to be able to permanently store correlation information.
In the following text, we will refer to two types of "multi-threading": logical and technical. Technical multi-threading is what happens when multiple threads or processes are started on a computer, for example by a Java or C program. Logical multi-threading is what we see in a BPM process after the process reaches a parallel gateway, for example.
From a functional standpoint, the original process will then split into two processes that are executed in a parallel fashion. Of course, the jBPM engine supports logical multi-threading: for example, processes that include a parallel gateway. The main reason for doing this is that multiple technical threads need to be be able to communicate state information with each other if they are working on the same process.
This requirement brings with it a number of complications. While it might seem that multi-threading would bring performance benefits with it, the extra logic needed to make sure the different threads work together well means that this is not guaranteed. There is also the extra overhead incurred because we need to avoid race conditions and deadlocks. In general, the jBPM engine executes actions in serial.
For example, when the jBPM engine encounters a script task in a process, it will synchronously execute that script and wait for it to complete before continuing execution. Similarly, if a process encounters a parallel gateway, it will sequentially trigger each of the outgoing branches, one after the other. This is possible since execution is almost always instantaneous, meaning that it is extremely fast and produces almost no overhead.
As a result, the user will usually not even notice this. Similarly, action scripts in a process are also synchronously executed, and the jBPM engine will wait for them to finish before continuing the process. For example, doing a Thread. The same principle applies to service tasks.
When a service task is reached in a process, the jBPM engine will also invoke the handler of this service synchronously. It is important that your service handler executes your service asynchronously if its execution is not instantaneous.
An example of this would be a service task that invokes an external service. Since the delay in invoking this service remotely and waiting for the results might be too long, it might be a good idea to invoke this service asynchronously. This means that the handler will only invoke the service and will notify the jBPM engine later when the results are available. In the mean time, the jBPM engine then continues execution of the process. The human task handler will only create a new task on the task list of the assigned actor when the human task node is triggered.
The jBPM engine will then be able to continue execution on the rest of the process if necessary and the handler will notify the jBPM engine asynchronously when the user has completed the task. RuntimeManager has been introduced to simplify and empower usage of knowledge API especially in context of processes. It provides configurable strategies that control actual runtime execution how KieSessions are provided and by default provides following:.
Singleton - runtime manager maintains single KieSession regardless of number of processes available. Per Process Instance - runtime manager maintains mapping between process instance and KieSession and always provides same KieSession whenever working with given process instance.
Runtime Manager is primarily responsible for managing and delivering instances of RuntimeEngine to the caller. Both of these components are already configured to work with each other smoothly without additional configuration from end user. RuntimeEngine interface provides the most important methods to get access to jBPM engine components:. RuntimeManager will ensure that regardless of the strategy it will provide same capabilities when it comes to initialization and configuration of the RuntimeEngine.
That means. Event listeners Process, Agenda, WorkingMemory will be registered on every KieSession either loaded from db or newly created. For example, the identifier is persisted as "deploymentId" of a Task when the Task is persisted. The deploymentId is also persisted as "externalId" in history log tables. That means your application uses the same deployment in its lifecycle. If you maintain multiple RuntimeManagers in your application, you need to specify their identifiers.
Access to the RuntimeEngine is synchronized and by that thread safe although it comes with a performance penalty due to synchronization.
This strategy is similar to what was available by default in jBPM version 5. It has following characteristics that are important to evaluate while considering it for given scenario:.
Per request strategy - instructs RuntimeManager to provide new instance of RuntimeEngine for every request. As request RuntimeManager will consider one or more invocations within single transaction. It must return same instance of RuntimeEngine within single transaction to ensure correctness of state as otherwise operation done in one call would not be visible in the other.
This is sort of "stateless" strategy that provides only request scope state and once request is completed RuntimeEngine will be permanently destroyed - KieSession information will be removed from the database in case persistence was used.
Per process instance strategy - instructs RuntimeManager to maintain a strict relationship between KieSession and ProcessInstance. That means that KieSession will be available as long as the ProcessInstance that it belongs to is active.
This strategy provides the most flexible approach to use advanced capabilities of the jBPM engine like rule evaluation in isolation for given process instance only , maximum performance and reduction of potential bottlenecks intriduced by synchronization; and at the same time reduces number of KieSessions to the actual number of process instances rather than number of requests in contrast to per request strategy.
EmptyContext or null - when starting process instance as there is no process instance id available yet. CorrelationKeyContext - used as an alternative to ProcessInstanceIdContext to use custom business key instead of process instance id. When RuntimeEngine is obtained from RuntimeManager within an active JTA transaction, then there is no need to dispose RuntimeEngine at the end, as RuntimeManager will automatically dispose the RuntimeEngine on transaction completion regardless of the completion status commit or rollback.
This example provides simplest minimal way of using RuntimeManager and RuntimeEngine although it provides few quite valuable information:. While RuntimeEnvironment interface provides mostly access to data kept as part of the environment and will be used by the RuntimeManager, users should take advantage of builder style class that provides fluent API to configure RuntimeEnvironment with predefined settings.
Instances of the RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder can be obtained via RuntimeEnvironmentBuilderFactory that provides preconfigured sets of builder to simplify and help users to build the environment for the RuntimeManager.
Besides KieSession Runtime Manager provides access to TaskService too as integrated component of a RuntimeEngine that will always be configured and ready for communication between jBPM engine and task service. Since the default builder was used, it will already come with predefined set of elements that consists of:. Persistence unit name will be set to org. Event listener to trigger rule task evaluation fireAllRules will be automatically registered on KieSession.
To extend it with your own handlers or listeners a dedicated mechanism is provided that comes as implementation of RegisterableItemsFactory. A best practice is to just extend those that come out of the box and just add your own. Extensions are not always needed as the default implementations of RegisterableItemsFactory provides possibility to define custom handlers and listeners. Following is a list of available implementations that might be useful they are ordered in the hierarchy of inheritance :.
SimpleRegisterableItemsFactory - simplest possible implementations that comes empty and is based on reflection to produce instances of handlers and listeners based on given class names. DefaultRegisterableItemsFactory - extension of the Simple implementation that introduces defaults described above and still provides same capabilities as Simple implementation. KModuleRegisterableItemsFactory - extension of default implementation that provides specific capabilities for kmodule and still provides same capabilities as Simple implementation.
InjectableRegisterableItemsFactory - extension of default implementation that is tailored for CDI environments and provides CDI style approach to finding handlers and listeners via producers. Alternatively, simple stateless or requiring only KieSession work item handlers might be registered in the well known way - defined as part of CustomWorkItem.
To use this approach do following:. Event listener producer shall be annotated with proper qualifier to indicate what type of listeners they provide, so pick one of following to indicate they type:. Implementations of these interfaces shall be packaged as bean archive includes beans. Thus all components are provided:. These services are meant to be the easiest way to embed j BPM capabilities into custom application. A complete set of modules are delivered as part of these services.
They are partitioned into several modules to ease thier adoptions in various environments. EJB remote client implementation - currently only for JBoss Service modules are grouped with its framework dependencies, so developers are free to choose which one is suitable for them and use only that. As the name suggest, its primary responsibility is to deploy and undeploy units. Deployment unit is kjar that brings in business assets like processes, rules, forms, data model for execution.
Deployment services allow to query it to get hold of available deployment units and even their RuntimeManager instances. So typical use case for this service is to provide dynamic behavior into your system so multiple kjars can be active at the same time and be executed simultaneously. Upon deployment, every process definition is scanned using definition service that parses the process and extracts valuable information out of it.
These information can provide valuable input to the system to inform users about what is expected. Definition service provides information about:. So definition service can be seen as sort of supporting service that provides quite a few information about process definition that are extracted directly from BPMN2. While it usually is used with combination of other services like deployment service it can be used standalone as well to get details about process definition that do not come from kjar.
This can be achieved by using buildProcessDefinition method of definition service. Process service is the one that usually is of the most interest. Once the deployment and definition service was already used to feed the system with something that can be executed.
Process service provides access to execution environment that allows:. At the same time process service is a command executor so it allows to execute commands essentially on ksession to extend its capabilities. Important to note is that process service is focused on runtime operations so use it whenever there is a need to alter signal, change variables, etc process instance and not for read operations like show available process instances by looping though given list and invoking getProcessInstance method.
For that there is dedicated runtime data service that is described below. As you can see start process expects deploymentId as first argument. This is extremely powerful to enable service to easily work with various deployments, even with same processes but coming from different versions - kjar versions. Use this service as main source of information whenever building list based UI - to show process definitions, process instances, tasks for given user, etc.
This service was designed to be as efficient as possible and still provide all required information. These provide capabilities for efficient management result set like pagination, sorting and ordering QueryContext. Moreover additional filtering can be applied to task queries to provide more advanced capabilities when searching for user tasks. User task service covers complete life cycle of individual task so it can be managed from start to end. It explicitly eliminates queries from it to provide scoped execution and moves all query operations into runtime data service.
Besides lifecycle operations user task service allows:. On top of that user task service is a command executor as well that allows to execute custom task commands.
The most important thing when working with services is that there is no more need to create your own implementations of Process service that simply wraps runtime manager, runtime engine, ksession usage.
In order to fire each timer appropriately, this service can be utilized to manage how long a kie session should be active. A base Quartz configuration file in the case of a clustered environment is provided as an example below:. For more information on configuring a Quartz scheduler, please see the documentation for the 1. QueryService provides advanced search capabilities that are based on Dashbuilder DataSets.
The concept behind it is that users are given control over how to retrieve data from underlying data store. This includes complex joins with external tables such as JPA entities tables, custom systems data base tables etc. QueryDefinition - represents definion of the data set which consists of unique name, sql expression the query and source - JNDI name of the data source to use when performing queries.
QueryParam - basic structure that represents individual query parameter - condition - that consists of: column name, operator, expected value s. QueryResultMapper - responsible for mapping raw data set data rows and columns into object representation.
QueryParamBuilder - responsible for building query filters that will be applied on the query definition for given query invocation. While QueryDefinition and QueryParam is rather straight forward, QueryParamBuilder and QueryResultMapper is bit more advanced and require slightly more attention to make use of it in right way, and by that take advantage of their capabilities.
Mapper as the name suggest, maps data taken out from data base from data set into object representation. Much like ORM providers such as hibernate maps tables to entities. Mappers are rather powerful and thus are pluggable, you can implement your own that will transform the result into whatever type you like. Each QueryResultMapper is registered under given name to allow simple look up by name instead of referencing its class name - especially important when using EJB remote flavor of services where we want to reduce number of dependencies and thus not relying on implementation on client side.
So to be able to reference QueryResultMapper by name, NamedQueryMapper should be used which is part of jbpm-services-api. That acts as delegate lazy delegate as it will look up the actual mapper when the query is actually performed. QueryParamBuilder that provides more advanced way of building filters for our data sets.
By default when using query method of QueryService that accepts zero or more QueryParam instances as we have seen in above examples all of these params will be joined with AND operator meaning all of them must match. There is one QueryParamBuilder available out of the box and it is used to cover default QueryParams that are based on so called core functions. These core functions are SQL based conditions and includes following.
QueryParamBuilder is simple interface that is invoked as long as its build method returns non null value before query is performed. So you can build up a complex filter options that could not be simply expressed by list of QueryParams. Once you have query param builder implemented you simply use its instance when performing query via QueryService. First thing user needs to do is to define data set - view of the data you want to work with - so called QueryDefinition in services api. Once we have the sql query definition we can register it so it can be used later for actual queries.
From now on, this query definition can be used to perform actual queries or data look ups to use terminology from data sets. Following is the basic one that collects data as is, without any filtering. Above query was very simple and used defaults from QueryContext - paging and sorting. With that end user is put in driver seat to define what data and how they should be fetched.