What does wawa mean in native american

All donors' identities are kept confidential and anonymous. Comments And of course, the Wah Watusi. I always thought the name was taken from a Beach Boys song.

Hint: WaWaaaaa…. Little GTO. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Index Newest Popular Best. New Player Log In. Newest Questions Post a Question Search All Questions Please cite any factual claims with citation links or references from authoritative sources.

Editors continuously recheck submissions and claims. Archived Questions Goto Qn. How did the Wawa convenience store get its name?

BRY2K Answer has 12 votes. But the story behind the words doesn't end there. Here's where it gets interesting: The town in Pennsylvania was so named because that's what the local Native American tribe called a certain bird. That bird? The Canada goose. Two languages with little historical association have a very similar term for a very particular bird.

Being a gigantic nerd — and, relatedly, a bird enthusiast — I thought this etymological coincidence was pretty cool. A Way With Words, based in California, is syndicated on radio stations coast-to-coast, and is also available as a podcast. You can listen to my discussion with Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett, the language experts that host the show, here:. In short, there's no definitive conclusion.

Rarely rude and always English-speaking. Many people have made a career out of working for Wawa Going north on I , you'll generally see these right off the highway exits starting around Fredericksburg , Virginia. Our road trip from Virginia to Philly would have gone a lot faster if the jackasses we were with didn't insist on stopping at every Wawa along the way. Jesus reincarnated into a convenience store. A place where dreams come true.

Genesis 1: 27 And on the 8th day, God created Wawa, in order to bless his children in the Greater Philadelphia Area for their superiority and might.


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